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Python 3.11.3

Contenu du module « sysconfig »

Liste des fonctions du module sysconfig

Signature de la fonction Description
expand_makefile_vars(s, vars) Expand Makefile-style variables -- "${foo}" or "$(foo)" -- in [extrait de expand_makefile_vars.__doc__]
get_config_h_filename() Return the path of pyconfig.h. [extrait de get_config_h_filename.__doc__]
get_config_var(name) Return the value of a single variable using the dictionary returned by [extrait de get_config_var.__doc__]
get_config_vars(*args) With no arguments, return a dictionary of all configuration [extrait de get_config_vars.__doc__]
get_makefile_filename() Return the path of the Makefile. [extrait de get_makefile_filename.__doc__]
get_path(name, scheme='venv', vars=None, expand=True) Return a path corresponding to the scheme. [extrait de get_path.__doc__]
get_path_names() Return a tuple containing the paths names. [extrait de get_path_names.__doc__]
get_paths(scheme='venv', vars=None, expand=True) Return a mapping containing an install scheme. [extrait de get_paths.__doc__]
get_platform() Return a string that identifies the current platform. [extrait de get_platform.__doc__]
get_scheme_names() Return a tuple containing the schemes names. [extrait de get_scheme_names.__doc__]
parse_config_h(fp, vars=None) Parse a config.h-style file. [extrait de parse_config_h.__doc__]
realpath(filename, *, strict=False) Return the canonical path of the specified filename, eliminating any [extrait de realpath.__doc__]

Liste des variables globales du module sysconfig

Nom de la variable globale Valeur
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