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Améliorations / Corrections

Vous avez des améliorations (ou des corrections) à proposer pour ce document : je vous remerçie par avance de m'en faire part, cela m'aide à améliorer le site.

Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « Manager » Python 3.11.3

Méthode logging.Manager.getLogger

Signature de la méthode getLogger

def getLogger(self, name) 



        Get a logger with the specified name (channel name), creating it
        if it doesn't yet exist. This name is a dot-separated hierarchical
        name, such as "a", "a.b", "a.b.c" or similar.

        If a PlaceHolder existed for the specified name [i.e. the logger
        didn't exist but a child of it did], replace it with the created
        logger and fix up the parent/child references which pointed to the
        placeholder to now point to the logger.