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Description des améliorations :

Module « locale » Python 3.11.3

Fonction getdefaultlocale - module locale

Signature de la fonction getdefaultlocale

def getdefaultlocale(envvars=('LC_ALL', 'LC_CTYPE', 'LANG', 'LANGUAGE')) 



 Tries to determine the default locale settings and returns
        them as tuple (language code, encoding).

        According to POSIX, a program which has not called
        setlocale(LC_ALL, "") runs using the portable 'C' locale.
        Calling setlocale(LC_ALL, "") lets it use the default locale as
        defined by the LANG variable. Since we don't want to interfere
        with the current locale setting we thus emulate the behavior
        in the way described above.

        To maintain compatibility with other platforms, not only the
        LANG variable is tested, but a list of variables given as
        envvars parameter. The first found to be defined will be
        used. envvars defaults to the search path used in GNU gettext;
        it must always contain the variable name 'LANG'.

        Except for the code 'C', the language code corresponds to RFC
        1766.  code and encoding can be None in case the values cannot
        be determined.