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Python 3.11.3

Contenu du module « itertools »

Liste des classes du module itertools

Nom de la classe Description
accumulate Return series of accumulated sums (or other binary function results). [extrait de accumulate.__doc__]
chain chain(*iterables) --> chain object [extrait de chain.__doc__]
combinations Return successive r-length combinations of elements in the iterable. [extrait de combinations.__doc__]
combinations_with_replacement Return successive r-length combinations of elements in the iterable allowing individual elements to have successive repeats. [extrait de combinations_with_replacement.__doc__]
compress Return data elements corresponding to true selector elements. [extrait de compress.__doc__]
count Return a count object whose .__next__() method returns consecutive values. [extrait de count.__doc__]
cycle Return elements from the iterable until it is exhausted. Then repeat the sequence indefinitely. [extrait de cycle.__doc__]
dropwhile Drop items from the iterable while predicate(item) is true. [extrait de dropwhile.__doc__]
filterfalse Return those items of iterable for which function(item) is false. [extrait de filterfalse.__doc__]
groupby make an iterator that returns consecutive keys and groups from the iterable [extrait de groupby.__doc__]
islice islice(iterable, stop) --> islice object [extrait de islice.__doc__]
pairwise Return an iterator of overlapping pairs taken from the input iterator. [extrait de pairwise.__doc__]
permutations Return successive r-length permutations of elements in the iterable. [extrait de permutations.__doc__]
product product(*iterables, repeat=1) --> product object [extrait de product.__doc__]
repeat repeat(object [,times]) -> create an iterator which returns the object [extrait de repeat.__doc__]
starmap Return an iterator whose values are returned from the function evaluated with an argument tuple taken from the given sequence. [extrait de starmap.__doc__]
takewhile Return successive entries from an iterable as long as the predicate evaluates to true for each entry. [extrait de takewhile.__doc__]
zip_longest zip_longest(iter1 [,iter2 [...]], [fillvalue=None]) --> zip_longest object [extrait de zip_longest.__doc__]

Liste des fonctions du module itertools

Signature de la fonction Description
tee(iterable, n=2) Returns a tuple of n independent iterators. [extrait de tee.__doc__]