Nom de la classe | Description |
Array | XXX to be provided [extrait de Array.__doc__] |
BigEndianStructure | Structure with big endian byte order [extrait de BigEndianStructure.__doc__] |
BigEndianUnion | Union with big endian byte order [extrait de BigEndianUnion.__doc__] |
c_bool | |
c_byte | |
c_char | |
c_char_p | |
c_double | |
c_float | |
c_int | |
c_long | |
c_longdouble | |
c_short | |
c_ubyte | |
c_uint | |
c_ulong | |
c_ushort | |
c_void_p | |
c_wchar | |
c_wchar_p | |
CDLL | An instance of this class represents a loaded dll/shared [extrait de CDLL.__doc__] |
LibraryLoader | |
py_object | |
PyDLL | This class represents the Python library itself. It allows [extrait de PyDLL.__doc__] |
Structure | Structure base class [extrait de Structure.__doc__] |
Union | Union base class [extrait de Union.__doc__] |
Nom de la classe d'exception | Description |
ArgumentError |
Signature de la fonction | Description |
addressof | addressof(C instance) -> integer [extrait de addressof.__doc__] |
alignment | alignment(C type) -> integer [extrait de alignment.__doc__] |
ARRAY(typ, len) | |
byref | byref(C instance[, offset=0]) -> byref-object [extrait de byref.__doc__] |
cast(obj, typ) | |
CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes, **kw) | CFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes, [extrait de CFUNCTYPE.__doc__] |
create_string_buffer(init, size=None) | create_string_buffer(aBytes) -> character array [extrait de create_string_buffer.__doc__] |
create_unicode_buffer(init, size=None) | create_unicode_buffer(aString) -> character array [extrait de create_unicode_buffer.__doc__] |
get_errno | |
memmove | |
memset | |
pointer | |
PYFUNCTYPE(restype, *argtypes) | |
resize | Resize the memory buffer of a ctypes instance [extrait de resize.__doc__] |
set_errno | |
SetPointerType(pointer, cls) | |
sizeof | sizeof(C type) -> integer [extrait de sizeof.__doc__] |
string_at(ptr, size=-1) | string_at(addr[, size]) -> string [extrait de string_at.__doc__] |
wstring_at(ptr, size=-1) | wstring_at(addr[, size]) -> string [extrait de wstring_at.__doc__] |
Nom de la variable globale | Valeur |
cdll | <ctypes.LibraryLoader object at 0x7f720d838d10> |
pydll | <ctypes.LibraryLoader object at 0x7f720d838d50> |
pythonapi | <PyDLL 'None', handle 7f721c3ad2c0 at 0x7f720d838d90> |
Nom de l'alias | Définition ciblée |
LittleEndianStructure | Structure |
LittleEndianUnion | Union |
c_buffer | create_string_buffer |
c_int16 | c_short |
c_int32 | c_int |
c_int64 | c_long |
c_int8 | c_byte |
c_longlong | c_long |
c_size_t | c_ulong |
c_ssize_t | c_long |
c_uint16 | c_ushort |
c_uint32 | c_uint |
c_uint64 | c_ulong |
c_uint8 | c_ubyte |
c_ulonglong | c_ulong |
c_voidp | c_void_p |
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