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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « BaseProtocol » Python 3.11.3

Méthode asyncio.BaseProtocol.pause_writing

Signature de la méthode pause_writing

def pause_writing(self) 



Called when the transport's buffer goes over the high-water mark.

        Pause and resume calls are paired -- pause_writing() is called
        once when the buffer goes strictly over the high-water mark
        (even if subsequent writes increases the buffer size even
        more), and eventually resume_writing() is called once when the
        buffer size reaches the low-water mark.

        Note that if the buffer size equals the high-water mark,
        pause_writing() is not called -- it must go strictly over.
        Conversely, resume_writing() is called when the buffer size is
        equal or lower than the low-water mark.  These end conditions
        are important to ensure that things go as expected when either
        mark is zero.

        NOTE: This is the only Protocol callback that is not called
        through EventLoop.call_soon() -- if it were, it would have no
        effect when it's most needed (when the app keeps writing
        without yielding until pause_writing() is called).