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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « MetaData »

Constructeur sqlalchemy.MetaData.__init__

Signature de la constructeur __init__

def __init__(self, bind=None, schema=None, quote_schema=None, naming_convention=None, info=None) 



Create a new MetaData object.

        :param bind:
          An Engine or Connection to bind to.  May also be a string or URL
          instance, these are passed to :func:`_sa.create_engine` and
          this :class:`_schema.MetaData` will
          be bound to the resulting engine.

          .. deprecated:: 1.4 The :paramref:`_schema.MetaData.bind` argument is deprecated and will be removed in SQLAlchemy 2.0.

        :param schema:
           The default schema to use for the :class:`_schema.Table`,
           :class:`.Sequence`, and potentially other objects associated with
           this :class:`_schema.MetaData`. Defaults to ``None``.

           .. seealso::

                :ref:`schema_metadata_schema_name` - details on how the
                :paramref:`_schema.MetaData.schema` parameter is used.



        :param quote_schema:
            Sets the ``quote_schema`` flag for those :class:`_schema.Table`,
            :class:`.Sequence`, and other objects which make usage of the
            local ``schema`` name.

        :param info: Optional data dictionary which will be populated into the
            :attr:`` attribute of this object.

            .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

        :param naming_convention: a dictionary referring to values which
          will establish default naming conventions for :class:`.Constraint`
          and :class:`.Index` objects, for those objects which are not given
          a name explicitly.

          The keys of this dictionary may be:

          * a constraint or Index class, e.g. the :class:`.UniqueConstraint`,
            :class:`_schema.ForeignKeyConstraint` class, the :class:`.Index`

          * a string mnemonic for one of the known constraint classes;
            ``"fk"``, ``"pk"``, ``"ix"``, ``"ck"``, ``"uq"`` for foreign key,
            primary key, index, check, and unique constraint, respectively.

          * the string name of a user-defined "token" that can be used
            to define new naming tokens.

          The values associated with each "constraint class" or "constraint
          mnemonic" key are string naming templates, such as
          which describe how the name should be composed.  The values
          associated with user-defined "token" keys should be callables of the
          form ``fn(constraint, table)``, which accepts the constraint/index
          object and :class:`_schema.Table` as arguments, returning a string

          The built-in names are as follows, some of which may only be
          available for certain types of constraint:

            * ``%(table_name)s`` - the name of the :class:`_schema.Table`
              associated with the constraint.

            * ``%(referred_table_name)s`` - the name of the
              object associated with the referencing target of a

            * ``%(column_0_name)s`` - the name of the :class:`_schema.Column`
              index position "0" within the constraint.

            * ``%(column_0N_name)s`` - the name of all :class:`_schema.Column`
              objects in order within the constraint, joined without a

            * ``%(column_0_N_name)s`` - the name of all
              objects in order within the constraint, joined with an
              underscore as a separator.

            * ``%(column_0_label)s``, ``%(column_0N_label)s``,
              ``%(column_0_N_label)s`` - the label of either the zeroth
              :class:`_schema.Column` or all :class:`.Columns`, separated with
              or without an underscore

            * ``%(column_0_key)s``, ``%(column_0N_key)s``,
              ``%(column_0_N_key)s`` - the key of either the zeroth
              :class:`_schema.Column` or all :class:`.Columns`, separated with
              or without an underscore

            * ``%(referred_column_0_name)s``, ``%(referred_column_0N_name)s``
              ``%(referred_column_0_N_name)s``,  ``%(referred_column_0_key)s``,
              ``%(referred_column_0N_key)s``, ...  column tokens which
              render the names/keys/labels of columns that are referenced
              by a  :class:`_schema.ForeignKeyConstraint`.

            * ``%(constraint_name)s`` - a special key that refers to the
              existing name given to the constraint.  When this key is
              present, the :class:`.Constraint` object's existing name will be
              replaced with one that is composed from template string that
              uses this token. When this token is present, it is required that
              the :class:`.Constraint` is given an explicit name ahead of time.

            * user-defined: any additional token may be implemented by passing
              it along with a ``fn(constraint, table)`` callable to the
              naming_convention dictionary.

          .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 - added new ``%(column_0N_name)s``,
             ``%(column_0_N_name)s``, and related tokens that produce
             concatenations of names, keys, or labels for all columns referred
             to by a given constraint.

          .. seealso::

                :ref:`constraint_naming_conventions` - for detailed usage