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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « ORMExecuteState »

Méthode sqlalchemy.orm.ORMExecuteState.invoke_statement

Signature de la méthode invoke_statement

def invoke_statement(self, statement=None, params=None, execution_options=None, bind_arguments=None) 



Execute the statement represented by this
        :class:`.ORMExecuteState`, without re-invoking events that have
        already proceeded.

        This method essentially performs a re-entrant execution of the current
        statement for which the :meth:`.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` event is
        being currently invoked.    The use case for this is for event handlers
        that want to override how the ultimate
        :class:`_engine.Result` object is returned, such as for schemes that
        retrieve results from an offline cache or which concatenate results
        from multiple executions.

        When the :class:`_engine.Result` object is returned by the actual
        handler function within :meth:`_orm.SessionEvents.do_orm_execute` and
        is propagated to the calling
        :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` method, the remainder of the
        :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` method is preempted and the
        :class:`_engine.Result` object is returned to the caller of
        :meth:`_orm.Session.execute` immediately.

        :param statement: optional statement to be invoked, in place of the
         statement currently represented by :attr:`.ORMExecuteState.statement`.

        :param params: optional dictionary of parameters which will be merged
         into the existing :attr:`.ORMExecuteState.parameters` of this

        :param execution_options: optional dictionary of execution options
         will be merged into the existing
         :attr:`.ORMExecuteState.execution_options` of this

        :param bind_arguments: optional dictionary of bind_arguments
         which will be merged amongst the current
         of this :class:`.ORMExecuteState`.

        :return: a :class:`_engine.Result` object with ORM-level results.

        .. seealso::

            :ref:`do_orm_execute_re_executing` - background and examples on the
            appropriate usage of :meth:`_orm.ORMExecuteState.invoke_statement`.