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Called right before a specific mapper is to be configured.
.. container:: event_signatures
Example argument forms::
from sqlalchemy import event
@event.listens_for(SomeClass, 'before_mapper_configured')
def receive_before_mapper_configured(mapper, class_):
"listen for the 'before_mapper_configured' event"
# ... (event handling logic) ...
This event is intended to allow a specific mapper to be skipped during
the configure step, by returning the :attr:`.orm.interfaces.EXT_SKIP`
symbol which indicates to the :func:`.configure_mappers` call that this
particular mapper (or hierarchy of mappers, if ``propagate=True`` is
used) should be skipped in the current configuration run. When one or
more mappers are skipped, the he "new mappers" flag will remain set,
meaning the :func:`.configure_mappers` function will continue to be
called when mappers are used, to continue to try to configure all
available mappers.
In comparison to the other configure-level events,
:meth:`.MapperEvents.after_configured`, and
:meth:`.MapperEvents.mapper_configured`, the
:meth;`.MapperEvents.before_mapper_configured` event provides for a
meaningful return value when it is registered with the ``retval=True``
.. versionadded:: 1.3
from sqlalchemy.orm import EXT_SKIP
Base = declarative_base()
DontConfigureBase = declarative_base()
"before_mapper_configured", retval=True, propagate=True)
def dont_configure(mapper, cls):
return EXT_SKIP
.. seealso::
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