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Receive a collection append event.
.. container:: event_signatures
Example argument forms::
from sqlalchemy import event
@event.listens_for(SomeClass.some_attribute, 'append')
def receive_append(target, value, initiator):
"listen for the 'append' event"
# ... (event handling logic) ...
The append event is invoked for each element as it is appended
to the collection. This occurs for single-item appends as well
as for a "bulk replace" operation.
:param target: the object instance receiving the event.
If the listener is registered with ``raw=True``, this will
be the :class:`.InstanceState` object.
:param value: the value being appended. If this listener
is registered with ``retval=True``, the listener
function must return this value, or a new value which
replaces it.
:param initiator: An instance of :class:`.attributes.Event`
representing the initiation of the event. May be modified
from its original value by backref handlers in order to control
chained event propagation, as well as be inspected for information
about the source of the event.
:return: if the event was registered with ``retval=True``,
the given value, or a new effective value, should be returned.
.. seealso::
:class:`.AttributeEvents` - background on listener options such
as propagation to subclasses.
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