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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « Chaff »

Constructeur Crypto.Protocol.Chaffing.Chaff.__init__

Signature de la constructeur __init__

def __init__(self, factor=1.0, blocksper=1) 



Chaff(factor:float, blocksper:int)

        factor is the number of message blocks to add chaff to,
        expressed as a percentage between 0.0 and 1.0.  blocksper is
        the number of chaff blocks to include for each block being
        chaffed.  Thus the defaults add one chaff block to every
        message block.  By changing the defaults, you can adjust how
        computationally difficult it could be for an adversary to
        brute-force crack the message.  The difficulty is expressed

            pow(blocksper, int(factor * number-of-blocks))

        For ease of implementation, when factor < 1.0, only the first
        int(factor*number-of-blocks) message blocks are chaffed.