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Classe « ExcelWriter »

Méthode pandas.ExcelWriter.write_cells

Signature de la méthode write_cells

def write_cells(self, cells, sheet_name=None, startrow=0, startcol=0, freeze_panes=None) 



        Write given formatted cells into Excel an excel sheet

        cells : generator
            cell of formatted data to save to Excel sheet
        sheet_name : str, default None
            Name of Excel sheet, if None, then use self.cur_sheet
        startrow : upper left cell row to dump data frame
        startcol : upper left cell column to dump data frame
        freeze_panes: int tuple of length 2
            contains the bottom-most row and right-most column to freeze

Vous êtes un professionnel et vous avez besoin d'une formation ? Calcul scientifique
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