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Module : java.base - Package : java.nio
Version documentée : Java SE 17

Classe « ByteBuffer »

Informations générales




public abstract class ByteBuffer extends java.nio.Buffer
implements java.lang.Comparable<java.nio.ByteBuffer>


A venir.

Liste des attributs

Tous les attributs Attributs d'instance Attributs statiques Attributs dépréciés

Liste des constructeurs

Constructeurs Constructeurs dépréciés

Liste des propriétés (getters/setters)

Propriétés Propriétés dépréciées
public abstract char char R/-
public abstract boolean direct R/-
public abstract double double R/-
public abstract float float R/-
public abstract int int R/-
public abstract long long R/-
public abstract short short R/-

Propriétés héritées de la classe java.nio.Buffer

direct, readOnly

Propriétés héritées de la classe java.lang.Object


Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes concrètes Méthodes abstraites Méthodes dépréciées
QualificateursType de retourPrototype de la méthodeDescription
public ByteBuffer alignedSlice( int unitSize )
public int alignmentOffset( int index, int unitSize )
public static ByteBuffer allocate( int capacity )
public static ByteBuffer allocateDirect( int capacity )
public byte[] array()
public int arrayOffset()
public abstract CharBuffer asCharBuffer()
public abstract DoubleBuffer asDoubleBuffer()
public abstract FloatBuffer asFloatBuffer()
public abstract IntBuffer asIntBuffer()
public abstract LongBuffer asLongBuffer()
public abstract ByteBuffer asReadOnlyBuffer()
public abstract ShortBuffer asShortBuffer()
public ByteBuffer clear()
public abstract ByteBuffer compact()
public int compareTo( ByteBuffer that )
public abstract ByteBuffer duplicate()
public boolean equals( Object ob )
public ByteBuffer flip()
public ByteBuffer get( int index, byte[] dst, int offset, int length )
public abstract byte get( int index )
public ByteBuffer get( byte[] dst, int offset, int length )
public abstract byte get()
public ByteBuffer get( int index, byte[] dst )
public ByteBuffer get( byte[] dst )
public abstract char getChar()
public abstract char getChar( int index )
public abstract double getDouble()
public abstract double getDouble( int index )
public abstract float getFloat( int index )
public abstract float getFloat()
public abstract int getInt()
public abstract int getInt( int index )
public abstract long getLong( int index )
public abstract long getLong()
public abstract short getShort( int index )
public abstract short getShort()
public boolean hasArray()
public int hashCode()
public abstract boolean isDirect()
public ByteBuffer limit( int newLimit )
public ByteBuffer mark()
public int mismatch( ByteBuffer that )
public ByteOrder order()
public ByteBuffer order( ByteOrder bo )
public ByteBuffer position( int newPosition )
public ByteBuffer put( ByteBuffer src )
public abstract ByteBuffer put( int index, byte b )
public ByteBuffer put( int index, ByteBuffer src, int offset, int length )
public ByteBuffer put( byte[] src )
public ByteBuffer put( int index, byte[] src )
public ByteBuffer put( int index, byte[] src, int offset, int length )
public abstract ByteBuffer put( byte b )
public ByteBuffer put( byte[] src, int offset, int length )
public abstract ByteBuffer putChar( int index, char value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putChar( char value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putDouble( int index, double value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putDouble( double value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putFloat( float value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putFloat( int index, float value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putInt( int index, int value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putInt( int value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putLong( int index, long value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putLong( long value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putShort( short value )
public abstract ByteBuffer putShort( int index, short value )
public ByteBuffer reset()
public ByteBuffer rewind()
public abstract ByteBuffer slice()
public abstract ByteBuffer slice( int index, int length )
public String toString()
public static ByteBuffer wrap( byte[] array )
public static ByteBuffer wrap( byte[] array, int offset, int length )

Méthodes héritées de la classe java.nio.Buffer

array, arrayOffset, capacity, clear, duplicate, flip, hasArray, hasRemaining, isDirect, isReadOnly, limit, limit, mark, position, position, remaining, reset, rewind, slice, slice

Méthodes héritées de la classe java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait