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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « Flask »

Méthode flask.Flask.register_blueprint

Signature de la méthode register_blueprint

def register_blueprint(self, blueprint: 'Blueprint', **options: Any) -> None 



Register a :class:`~flask.Blueprint` on the application. Keyword
        arguments passed to this method will override the defaults set on the

        Calls the blueprint's :meth:`~flask.Blueprint.register` method after
        recording the blueprint in the application's :attr:`blueprints`.

        :param blueprint: The blueprint to register.
        :param url_prefix: Blueprint routes will be prefixed with this.
        :param subdomain: Blueprint routes will match on this subdomain.
        :param url_defaults: Blueprint routes will use these default values for
            view arguments.
        :param options: Additional keyword arguments are passed to
            :class:`~flask.blueprints.BlueprintSetupState`. They can be
            accessed in :meth:`~flask.Blueprint.record` callbacks.

        .. versionchanged:: 2.0.1
            The ``name`` option can be used to change the (pre-dotted)
            name the blueprint is registered with. This allows the same
            blueprint to be registered multiple times with unique names
            for ``url_for``.

        .. versionadded:: 0.7