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Classe « Delaunay »

Méthode scipy.spatial.Delaunay.find_simplex

Signature de la méthode find_simplex

def find_simplex(self, xi, bruteforce=False, tol=None) 



        find_simplex(self, xi, bruteforce=False, tol=None)

        Find the simplices containing the given points.

        tri : DelaunayInfo
            Delaunay triangulation
        xi : ndarray of double, shape (..., ndim)
            Points to locate
        bruteforce : bool, optional
            Whether to only perform a brute-force search
        tol : float, optional
            Tolerance allowed in the inside-triangle check.
            Default is ``100*eps``.

        i : ndarray of int, same shape as `xi`
            Indices of simplices containing each point.
            Points outside the triangulation get the value -1.

        This uses an algorithm adapted from Qhull's ``qh_findbestfacet``,
        which makes use of the connection between a convex hull and a
        Delaunay triangulation. After finding the simplex closest to
        the point in N+1 dimensions, the algorithm falls back to
        directed search in N dimensions.