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Description des améliorations :

Classe « PPoly »

Méthode scipy.interpolate.PPoly.solve

Signature de la méthode solve

def solve(self, y=0.0, discontinuity=True, extrapolate=None) 



        Find real solutions of the the equation ``pp(x) == y``.

        y : float, optional
            Right-hand side. Default is zero.
        discontinuity : bool, optional
            Whether to report sign changes across discontinuities at
            breakpoints as roots.
        extrapolate : {bool, 'periodic', None}, optional
            If bool, determines whether to return roots from the polynomial
            extrapolated based on first and last intervals, 'periodic' works
            the same as False. If None (default), use `self.extrapolate`.

        roots : ndarray
            Roots of the polynomial(s).

            If the PPoly object describes multiple polynomials, the
            return value is an object array whose each element is an
            ndarray containing the roots.

        This routine works only on real-valued polynomials.

        If the piecewise polynomial contains sections that are
        identically zero, the root list will contain the start point
        of the corresponding interval, followed by a ``nan`` value.

        If the polynomial is discontinuous across a breakpoint, and
        there is a sign change across the breakpoint, this is reported
        if the `discont` parameter is True.


        Finding roots of ``[x**2 - 1, (x - 1)**2]`` defined on intervals
        ``[-2, 1], [1, 2]``:

        >>> from scipy.interpolate import PPoly
        >>> pp = PPoly(np.array([[1, -4, 3], [1, 0, 0]]).T, [-2, 1, 2])
        >>> pp.solve()
        array([-1.,  1.])