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Description des améliorations :

Module « numpy »

Fonction geterrcall - module numpy

Signature de la fonction geterrcall

def geterrcall() 



    Return the current callback function used on floating-point errors.

    When the error handling for a floating-point error (one of "divide",
    "over", "under", or "invalid") is set to 'call' or 'log', the function
    that is called or the log instance that is written to is returned by
    `geterrcall`. This function or log instance has been set with

    errobj : callable, log instance or None
        The current error handler. If no handler was set through `seterrcall`,
        ``None`` is returned.

    See Also
    seterrcall, seterr, geterr

    For complete documentation of the types of floating-point exceptions and
    treatment options, see `seterr`.

    >>> np.geterrcall()  # we did not yet set a handler, returns None

    >>> oldsettings = np.seterr(all='call')
    >>> def err_handler(type, flag):
    ...     print("Floating point error (%s), with flag %s" % (type, flag))
    >>> oldhandler = np.seterrcall(err_handler)
    >>> np.array([1, 2, 3]) / 0.0
    Floating point error (divide by zero), with flag 1
    array([inf, inf, inf])

    >>> cur_handler = np.geterrcall()
    >>> cur_handler is err_handler