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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « numpy.testing »

Fonction decorate_methods - module numpy.testing

Signature de la fonction decorate_methods

def decorate_methods(cls, decorator, testmatch=None) 



    Apply a decorator to all methods in a class matching a regular expression.

    The given decorator is applied to all public methods of `cls` that are
    matched by the regular expression `testmatch`
    (````). Methods that are private, i.e. start
    with an underscore, are ignored.

    cls : class
        Class whose methods to decorate.
    decorator : function
        Decorator to apply to methods
    testmatch : compiled regexp or str, optional
        The regular expression. Default value is None, in which case the
        nose default (``re.compile(r'(?:^|[\b_\.%s-])[Tt]est' % os.sep)``)
        is used.
        If `testmatch` is a string, it is compiled to a regular expression