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Améliorations / Corrections

Vous avez des améliorations (ou des corrections) à proposer pour ce document : je vous remerçie par avance de m'en faire part, cela m'aide à améliorer le site.

Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « Slider »

Constructeur matplotlib.pyplot.Slider.__init__

Signature de la constructeur __init__

def __init__(self, ax, label, valmin, valmax, valinit=0.5, valfmt=None, closedmin=True, closedmax=True, slidermin=None, slidermax=None, dragging=True, valstep=None, orientation='horizontal', *, initcolor='r', **kwargs) 



        ax : Axes
            The Axes to put the slider in.

        label : str
            Slider label.

        valmin : float
            The minimum value of the slider.

        valmax : float
            The maximum value of the slider.

        valinit : float, default: 0.5
            The slider initial position.

        valfmt : str, default: None
            %-format string used to format the slider value.  If None, a
            `.ScalarFormatter` is used instead.

        closedmin : bool, default: True
            Whether the slider interval is closed on the bottom.

        closedmax : bool, default: True
            Whether the slider interval is closed on the top.

        slidermin : Slider, default: None
            Do not allow the current slider to have a value less than
            the value of the Slider *slidermin*.

        slidermax : Slider, default: None
            Do not allow the current slider to have a value greater than
            the value of the Slider *slidermax*.

        dragging : bool, default: True
            If True the slider can be dragged by the mouse.

        valstep : float or array-like, default: None
            If a float, the slider will snap to multiples of *valstep*.
            If an array the slider will snap to the values in the array.

        orientation : {'horizontal', 'vertical'}, default: 'horizontal'
            The orientation of the slider.

        initcolor : color, default: 'r'
            The color of the line at the *valinit* position. Set to ``'none'``
            for no line.

        Additional kwargs are passed on to ``self.poly`` which is the
        `~matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` that draws the slider knob.  See the
        `.Rectangle` documentation for valid property names (``facecolor``,
        ``edgecolor``, ``alpha``, etc.).