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Description des améliorations :

Classe « Transform »

Méthode matplotlib.artist.Transform.transform_angles

Signature de la méthode transform_angles

def transform_angles(self, angles, pts, radians=False, pushoff=1e-05) 



        Transform a set of angles anchored at specific locations.

        angles : (N,) array-like
            The angles to transform.
        pts : (N, 2) array-like
            The points where the angles are anchored.
        radians : bool, default: False
            Whether *angles* are radians or degrees.
        pushoff : float
            For each point in *pts* and angle in *angles*, the transformed
            angle is computed by transforming a segment of length *pushoff*
            starting at that point and making that angle relative to the
            horizontal axis, and measuring the angle between the horizontal
            axis and the transformed segment.

        (N,) array