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Description des améliorations :

Module « wsgiref.util » Python 3.11.3

Fonction shift_path_info - module wsgiref.util

Signature de la fonction shift_path_info

def shift_path_info(environ) 



Shift a name from PATH_INFO to SCRIPT_NAME, returning it

    If there are no remaining path segments in PATH_INFO, return None.
    Note: 'environ' is modified in-place; use a copy if you need to keep
    the original PATH_INFO or SCRIPT_NAME.

    Note: when PATH_INFO is just a '/', this returns '' and appends a trailing
    '/' to SCRIPT_NAME, even though empty path segments are normally ignored,
    and SCRIPT_NAME doesn't normally end in a '/'.  This is intentional
    behavior, to ensure that an application can tell the difference between
    '/x' and '/x/' when traversing to objects.