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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « TurtleScreen » Python 3.11.3

Méthode turtle.TurtleScreen.screensize

Signature de la méthode screensize

def screensize(self, canvwidth=None, canvheight=None, bg=None) 



Resize the canvas the turtles are drawing on.

        Optional arguments:
        canvwidth -- positive integer, new width of canvas in pixels
        canvheight --  positive integer, new height of canvas in pixels
        bg -- colorstring or color-tuple, new backgroundcolor
        If no arguments are given, return current (canvaswidth, canvasheight)

        Do not alter the drawing window. To observe hidden parts of
        the canvas use the scrollbars. (Can make visible those parts
        of a drawing, which were outside the canvas before!)

        Example (for a Turtle instance named turtle):
        >>> turtle.screensize(2000,1500)
        >>> # e.g. to search for an erroneously escaped turtle ;-)