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Description des améliorations :

Classe « RawTurtle » Python 3.11.3

Méthode turtle.RawTurtle.shapetransform

Signature de la méthode shapetransform

def shapetransform(self, t11=None, t12=None, t21=None, t22=None) 



Set or return the current transformation matrix of the turtle shape.

        Optional arguments: t11, t12, t21, t22 -- numbers.

        If none of the matrix elements are given, return the transformation
        Otherwise set the given elements and transform the turtleshape
        according to the matrix consisting of first row t11, t12 and
        second row t21, 22.
        Modify stretchfactor, shearfactor and tiltangle according to the
        given matrix.

        Examples (for a Turtle instance named turtle):
        >>> turtle.shape("square")
        >>> turtle.shapesize(4,2)
        >>> turtle.shearfactor(-0.5)
        >>> turtle.shapetransform()
        (4.0, -1.0, -0.0, 2.0)