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Python 3.11.3

Contenu du module « gc »

Liste des fonctions du module gc

Signature de la fonction Description
collect(generation=2) Run the garbage collector. [extrait de collect.__doc__]
disable() Disable automatic garbage collection. [extrait de disable.__doc__]
enable() Enable automatic garbage collection. [extrait de enable.__doc__]
freeze() Freeze all current tracked objects and ignore them for future collections. [extrait de freeze.__doc__]
get_count() Return a three-tuple of the current collection counts. [extrait de get_count.__doc__]
get_debug() Get the garbage collection debugging flags. [extrait de get_debug.__doc__]
get_freeze_count() Return the number of objects in the permanent generation. [extrait de get_freeze_count.__doc__]
get_objects(generation=None) Return a list of objects tracked by the collector (excluding the list returned). [extrait de get_objects.__doc__]
get_referents get_referents(*objs) -> list [extrait de get_referents.__doc__]
get_referrers get_referrers(*objs) -> list [extrait de get_referrers.__doc__]
get_stats() Return a list of dictionaries containing per-generation statistics. [extrait de get_stats.__doc__]
get_threshold() Return the current collection thresholds. [extrait de get_threshold.__doc__]
is_finalized(obj) Returns true if the object has been already finalized by the GC. [extrait de is_finalized.__doc__]
is_tracked(obj) Returns true if the object is tracked by the garbage collector. [extrait de is_tracked.__doc__]
isenabled() Returns true if automatic garbage collection is enabled. [extrait de isenabled.__doc__]
set_debug(flags) Set the garbage collection debugging flags. [extrait de set_debug.__doc__]
set_threshold set_threshold(threshold0, [threshold1, threshold2]) -> None [extrait de set_threshold.__doc__]
unfreeze() Unfreeze all objects in the permanent generation. [extrait de unfreeze.__doc__]

Liste des variables globales du module gc

Nom de la variable globale Valeur
callbacks []
garbage []