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Améliorations / Corrections

Vous avez des améliorations (ou des corrections) à proposer pour ce document : je vous remerçie par avance de m'en faire part, cela m'aide à améliorer le site.

Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Module « doctest » Python 3.11.3

Fonction DocTestSuite - module doctest

Signature de la fonction DocTestSuite

def DocTestSuite(module=None, globs=None, extraglobs=None, test_finder=None, **options) 



    Convert doctest tests for a module to a unittest test suite.

    This converts each documentation string in a module that
    contains doctest tests to a unittest test case.  If any of the
    tests in a doc string fail, then the test case fails.  An exception
    is raised showing the name of the file containing the test and a
    (sometimes approximate) line number.

    The `module` argument provides the module to be tested.  The argument
    can be either a module or a module name.

    If no argument is given, the calling module is used.

    A number of options may be provided as keyword arguments:

      A set-up function.  This is called before running the
      tests in each file. The setUp function will be passed a DocTest
      object.  The setUp function can access the test globals as the
      globs attribute of the test passed.

      A tear-down function.  This is called after running the
      tests in each file.  The tearDown function will be passed a DocTest
      object.  The tearDown function can access the test globals as the
      globs attribute of the test passed.

      A dictionary containing initial global variables for the tests.

       A set of doctest option flags expressed as an integer.