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Description des améliorations :

Module « ast » Python 3.11.3

Classe « NodeTransformer »

Informations générales




class NodeTransformer(NodeVisitor):


    A :class:`NodeVisitor` subclass that walks the abstract syntax tree and
    allows modification of nodes.

    The `NodeTransformer` will walk the AST and use the return value of the
    visitor methods to replace or remove the old node.  If the return value of
    the visitor method is ``None``, the node will be removed from its location,
    otherwise it is replaced with the return value.  The return value may be the
    original node in which case no replacement takes place.

    Here is an example transformer that rewrites all occurrences of name lookups
    (``foo``) to ``data['foo']``::

       class RewriteName(NodeTransformer):

           def visit_Name(self, node):
               return Subscript(
                   value=Name(id='data', ctx=Load()),

    Keep in mind that if the node you're operating on has child nodes you must
    either transform the child nodes yourself or call the :meth:`generic_visit`
    method for the node first.

    For nodes that were part of a collection of statements (that applies to all
    statement nodes), the visitor may also return a list of nodes rather than
    just a single node.

    Usually you use the transformer like this::

       node = YourTransformer().visit(node)


Signature du constructeur Description
__init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs) Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. [extrait de __init__.__doc__]

Liste des opérateurs

Opérateurs hérités de la classe object

__eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__

Liste des méthodes

Toutes les méthodes Méthodes d'instance Méthodes statiques Méthodes dépréciées
Signature de la méthodeDescription
generic_visit(self, node)

Méthodes héritées de la classe NodeVisitor

__init_subclass__, __subclasshook__, visit, visit_Constant

Méthodes héritées de la classe object

__delattr__, __dir__, __format__, __getattribute__, __getstate__, __hash__, __init_subclass__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__