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Améliorations / Corrections

Vous avez des améliorations (ou des corrections) à proposer pour ce document : je vous remerçie par avance de m'en faire part, cela m'aide à améliorer le site.

Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « MetaData »

Méthode sqlalchemy.MetaData.reflect

Signature de la méthode reflect

def reflect(self, bind=None, schema=None, views=False, only=None, extend_existing=False, autoload_replace=True, resolve_fks=True, **dialect_kwargs) 



Load all available table definitions from the database.

        Automatically creates ``Table`` entries in this ``MetaData`` for any
        table available in the database but not yet present in the
        ``MetaData``.  May be called multiple times to pick up tables recently
        added to the database, however no special action is taken if a table
        in this ``MetaData`` no longer exists in the database.

        :param bind:
          A :class:`.Connectable` used to access the database; if None, uses
          the existing bind on this ``MetaData``, if any.

          .. note:: the "bind" argument will be required in
             SQLAlchemy 2.0.

        :param schema:
          Optional, query and reflect tables from an alternate schema.
          If None, the schema associated with this :class:`_schema.MetaData`
          is used, if any.

        :param views:
          If True, also reflect views.

        :param only:
          Optional.  Load only a sub-set of available named tables.  May be
          specified as a sequence of names or a callable.

          If a sequence of names is provided, only those tables will be
          reflected.  An error is raised if a table is requested but not
          available.  Named tables already present in this ``MetaData`` are

          If a callable is provided, it will be used as a boolean predicate to
          filter the list of potential table names.  The callable is called
          with a table name and this ``MetaData`` instance as positional
          arguments and should return a true value for any table to reflect.

        :param extend_existing: Passed along to each :class:`_schema.Table` as

          .. versionadded:: 0.9.1

        :param autoload_replace: Passed along to each :class:`_schema.Table`

          .. versionadded:: 0.9.1

        :param resolve_fks: if True, reflect :class:`_schema.Table`
         objects linked
         to :class:`_schema.ForeignKey` objects located in each
         For :meth:`_schema.MetaData.reflect`,
         this has the effect of reflecting
         related tables that might otherwise not be in the list of tables
         being reflected, for example if the referenced table is in a
         different schema or is omitted via the
         :paramref:`.MetaData.reflect.only` parameter.  When False,
         :class:`_schema.ForeignKey` objects are not followed to the
         in which they link, however if the related table is also part of the
         list of tables that would be reflected in any case, the
         :class:`_schema.ForeignKey` object will still resolve to its related
         :class:`_schema.Table` after the :meth:`_schema.MetaData.reflect`
         operation is
         complete.   Defaults to True.

         .. versionadded:: 1.3.0

         .. seealso::


        :param \**dialect_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments not mentioned
         above are dialect specific, and passed in the form
         ``<dialectname>_<argname>``.  See the documentation regarding an
         individual dialect at :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on
         documented arguments.

          .. versionadded:: 0.9.2 - Added
             :paramref:`.MetaData.reflect.**dialect_kwargs` to support
             dialect-level reflection options for all :class:`_schema.Table`
             objects reflected.