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Emplacement :

Description des améliorations :

Classe « Path »

Méthode matplotlib.artist.Path.iter_segments

Signature de la méthode iter_segments

def iter_segments(self, transform=None, remove_nans=True, clip=None, snap=False, stroke_width=1.0, simplify=None, curves=True, sketch=None) 



        Iterate over all curve segments in the path.

        Each iteration returns a pair ``(vertices, code)``, where ``vertices``
        is a sequence of 1-3 coordinate pairs, and ``code`` is a `Path` code.

        Additionally, this method can provide a number of standard cleanups and
        conversions to the path.

        transform : None or :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Transform`
            If not None, the given affine transformation will be applied to the
        remove_nans : bool, optional
            Whether to remove all NaNs from the path and skip over them using
            MOVETO commands.
        clip : None or (float, float, float, float), optional
            If not None, must be a four-tuple (x1, y1, x2, y2)
            defining a rectangle in which to clip the path.
        snap : None or bool, optional
            If True, snap all nodes to pixels; if False, don't snap them.
            If None, snap if the path contains only segments
            parallel to the x or y axes, and no more than 1024 of them.
        stroke_width : float, optional
            The width of the stroke being drawn (used for path snapping).
        simplify : None or bool, optional
            Whether to simplify the path by removing vertices
            that do not affect its appearance.  If None, use the
            :attr:`should_simplify` attribute.  See also :rc:`path.simplify`
            and :rc:`path.simplify_threshold`.
        curves : bool, optional
            If True, curve segments will be returned as curve segments.
            If False, all curves will be converted to line segments.
        sketch : None or sequence, optional
            If not None, must be a 3-tuple of the form
            (scale, length, randomness), representing the sketch parameters.